View the Digital version of this feature at Grand Designs Magazine online here.
Read the original article in the December 2022 issue of Grand Designs Magazine here.
Sound is another form of energy that needs to be taken into account when choosing the appliances that occupy our homes and that we spend so much of our lives with.
A home should be a peaceful haven, the one place you can retreat to and regard with certainty that everything is exactly as you like it.
In open-plan kitchen living spaces, there is no opportunity to physically separate the cooking and living areas and therefore form a sound barrier. As demand for quiet appliances continues to grow Simon King at Innovative Electrical Retailing looks at how manufacturers are responding to the challenge.
The Ultimate Dinner Party Kitchen is a fabulous multi page feature by Charlotte Luxford for Kitchens Bedrooms & Bathrooms, by Taylist Media. It invites you to follow their recipe for concocting the perfect get-together space, from the preparation and pre-drinks right through to the after-party.
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