Acoustic Academy


These are environments where manufacturing, altering, adapting and processing of materials is are carried out, as well as the generation of energy to supply masses. Often these spaces contain large amounts of mechanical machinery and often produce severely chronically high levels of noise for extended periods of time which can impact greatly both on the staff working within and the people in surrounding locations.

Hard surfaces often dominate these structures where the space becomes a huge reverberation chamber that only amplifies the already high levels within. Acoustic absorbers are key to addressing this problem to alleviate the noise for the staff inside these buildings. Moreover, acoustic doors and partitions to adjacent office and break-out areas will ensure that there are quieter areas for rest periods. Also, effective building envelope sound insulation and attenuated ventilation paths will help comply with local regulations on controlling noise breakout to nearby homes to prevent neighbourhood disturbance. 

Click here to view the Acoustics Academy  – Glossary of Acoustic Concepts & Parameters

Glossary of Acoustic Terms

The Acoustics Academy Glossary of Acoustics Concepts & Parameters