Acoustic Academy

Consulate / Embassy

It Is crucial that Government buildings provide total acoustic privacy. By the provision of robust sound insulation and sound masking conversations may remain private between rooms 

Additionally, spaces should provide conditions in which conversations are efficiently comfortable and free from strain. Controlling the build-up of sound in large spaces as well as in smaller meeting rooms is key and can be controlled with the use of acoustically absorbent wall and ceiling finishes.

Isolation, however, can also be detrimental after extended periods of time and, as a core base to creating relationships, these environments also need to have quieter retreat areas as well as other areas others to sustain more casual collective gatherings, and finally paths that help reconnect with the external sound environment.

Click here to view the Acoustics Academy  – Glossary of Acoustic Concepts & Parameters



Glossary of Acoustic Terms

The Acoustics Academy Glossary of Acoustics Concepts & Parameters